Suppliers database Locations database Projects database Municipalities database Users Srpski

General Data: 

Location Name:  METAL Sistemi Tehnika
City/Municipality:  Kragujevac

Land and Building Information: 

Total Land Area (m²):  18393
Total Buildings Area (m²):  9548

Location Description: 

It is located in an industrial zone on the part of the former factory Filip Kljajić.

METAL Sistemi Tehnika

Šumadijski okrug
Centralna Srbija
Land Area 18393
Buildings Area 9548
Number of buildings 3
Different options possible
Construction land

Serbian Development Agency (RAS)
Resavska 13-15, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
T. +381.11.3398.510
F. +381.11.3398.550
E. [email protected]